Rodo Radon Mitigation Services in MD VA DC

Radon is radioactive gas that can cause Lung Cancer. Its a radioactive gas which comes from the natural decay of uranium. High concentrations of radon can be found in soils derived from uranium-bearing rocks, such as pitchblende and some phosphates, granites, shales, and limestones.

In outdoor air, radon is diluted to such low concentrations that it is usually nothing to worry about. However, radon can accumulate inside an enclosed space, such as a home, posing a threat to people. Since radon is colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas, the only way to detect its presence is to sample and analyze an area’s air using a conventional radon measurement test. EPA guidance is to install radon mitigation system if radon test has detected elevated Radon level above 4 pci/l .

The higher the level of radon present in a home, the more likely an active radon reduction system may be required. Lower radon levels maybe required only a passive reduction system, and s simple foundation sealing.

What is the most effective way to remove radon from home ?

While several methods exist for reducing radon concentrations in the home, sub-slab depressurization(SSD) is generally the most common and most effective radon reduction strategy in basement and slab-on-grade houses. Sub-Slab depressurization reduces the pressure in the sub-slab environment by exhausting sub-slab radon gasses before they can move through floor cracks or openings into the house.

A SSD system consist of one or more pipes attached to a fan or blower which creates a suction. The pipes usually originate in a pit dug into fill material underneath the concrete slab flooring of house. The pipe is typically concealed in a closet corner or an unfinished area. Where possible the pipe is routed upward to the attic and vented through the roof.

Installation of an SSD system can typically reduce indoor radon levels by 80 to 90+%. The higher reductions are usually achieved in houses with crushed rock or gravel under slab. If under slab tight soil such as clay , or compact most soil, then more suction pipes may be needed, and position of the pipes become more important.

Homeowners don’t have all the tools and equipment necessary to design and install an optimal SSD system for their home. SSD mitigation systems are the best designed and installed by trained and licensed radon mitigation contractors, knowledgeable in house construction and the principles of radon entry.

Contact RODO Mitigation Contractor and receive QUALITY work. We 100% guaranty radon level reduction. All SSD systems come with 5 years manufacturing warranty on electrical component of the system – radon fan .